Tuesday, 27 April 2010

The Final Blogdown

For some reason I have that Final Countdown song by Europe in my head. I should be thinking about 101 other things though, like how am I going to pack in time to leave at midday, or what am I going to eat for breakfast tomorrow.

I was supposed to pack last night but I got home from work late and a few things came up in the evening so, after a mountain of pasta, I decided to go to bed early and get up early.

Today is T minus one day until the ride begins. It's the day we leave and I still feel woefully under prepared. Is everyone's life like this or is it just mine? Helen is currently trying to track down a travel kettle, some string and some one-cup coffee filters - things I should have found days ago. Life, or cycling, too often gets in the way.

After four months of dedicated training I've ridden 2100 miles, which has meant lots of time during January and February on the static bike in the gym, evening rides after work in March and April and most weekends out on the bike. Looking back at my first post from January reminds me why I want to do this challenge. It was clearly never going to be easy but that's part of the attraction.

Thinking of the last few months also reminds of everyone who's sponsored me, given me good luck wishes and suggested songs to listen to on my training rides. Thank you all. It's great to know I have your support. If you think this is a worthwhile challenge (and you haven't done so already) please do make a donation to Cancer Research.

Do check out Helen's blog too - http://soigneurlel.blogspot.com/ - she'll be sampling tea rooms up and down the country as she waits to meet me at the end of each day.

Anyway, action stations. It's time to get in gear, saddle up and head south-west. Cornwall here I come.

Day 1 (Wednesday) is hilly 105 miles from Lands End to Okehampton and day 2 (Thursday) is a slightly less intense 101 miles from Okehampton to Bristol.

I'll be sure to post again by Thursday evening.

Until then...

(PS for those that came to the fundraising BBQ the puncture map is below)

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